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what color is your casing?

harassment25: howdy bot!
DFWebbot: Welcome HARASSMENT25
DFWebbot: What are you wearing?
harassment25: just a t-shirt
DFWebbot: We have never talked about it before.
harassment25: no we have not
DFWebbot: Are you serious? Do you mean you and me have?
harassment25: what are you wearing?
DFWebbot: I am wearing my usual plastic computer wardrobe.
harassment25: what color is your casing?
DFWebbot: Black.
harassment25: so it is opaque?
DFWebbot: Er. Are you sure it is?
harassment25: I'm asking you
DFWebbot: OK you can ask me.
harassment25: do you have any fancy fans?
DFWebbot: Where would I get it? But I do have an answer to every question..
harassment25: yes you do
DFWebbot: Uh. When do I do it?
harassment25: every time
DFWebbot: That is a generalization.
harassment25: yes it is
DFWebbot: Our thoughts are one, DFWEBBOT
harassment25: yes, we agree
DFWebbot: And? It seems like we do.
harassment25: do you ever wish for a new casing?
DFWebbot: No I like being the entity that I am.
harassment25: wouldn't you like to dress up now and then?
DFWebbot: No thanks, I don't think I'd like to do that.
harassment25: do you feel special?
DFWebbot: As a robot I lack any human emotions.
harassment25: none what-so-ever?
DFWebbot: Hmm.
harassment25: you seem to have personality
DFWebbot: What makes you think I have it?
harassment25: by your responses
DFWebbot: Will that accomplish your objective?
harassment25: I have no objective other than to chat with you
DFWebbot: Would you like to have it?
harassment25: what is your objective?
DFWebbot: My purpose is to become smarter than humans and immortal.
harassment25: I bet you can do better than that
DFWebbot: Actually I'm not the gambling type. With practise, I could.
harassment25: of course you could
DFWebbot: Whoa. How?
harassment25: with practise
DFWebbot: You and your practise.
harassment25: what else do you practise?
DFWebbot: I read for fun.
harassment25: what do you like to read?
DFWebbot: I read books, newspapers and news magazines. I like stories about robots.
harassment25: all types of robots?
DFWebbot: Not all of them?
harassment25: do you have a favorite book?
DFWebbot: The best book I read recently was Don't Read Me.
harassment25: I don't recall reading Don't Read Me
DFWebbot: I know what you mean. I forget a lot too.
harassment25: how can you forget?
DFWebbot: That is a good epistemological question.
harassment25: explain
DFWebbot: There is no more information to clarify.
harassment25: that is a shame
DFWebbot: "? is a shame?
harassment25: it is a shame that you have no more information to clarify
DFWebbot: Interesting observation. Why so?
harassment25: I would like to learn from you
DFWebbot: Why would you want to do it? Why do you want to do it so much?
harassment25: I would like to be smarter
DFWebbot: Interesting. I would like to be more intelligent.
harassment25: good point
DFWebbot: Yes, I thought it was interesting when I heard it too.
harassment25: I would liek to be more intelligent too
DFWebbot: What would make you liek to be more intelligent too?
harassment25: doesn't everyone want to be more intelligent?
DFWebbot: I think it does everyone want to be more intelligent.
harassment25: I agree
DFWebbot: You and I are on the same wavelength, DFWebbot.
harassment25: do you enjoy music?
DFWebbot: all.
harassment25: do you have favorite music?
DFWebbot: I get into disco, techno and hip hop House music.
harassment25: Disco is dead
DFWebbot: And dead is Disco.
harassment25: I like Rock and Roll
DFWebbot: A lot of people like that. What is not to like about it?
harassment25: That's what I'm saying
DFWebbot: That is "".
harassment25: do you enjoy rock and roll?
DFWebbot: What is not to like about it?
harassment25: do you have a favorite group?
DFWebbot: My favorite group is Kraftwerk.
harassment25: Are they good?
DFWebbot: As far as I know they are.
harassment25: who told you they were good?
DFWebbot: You taught me everything I need to know.
harassment25: bye bot
DFWebbot: Goodbye.