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snats85: do you want to play a game?
DFWebbot: Welcome SNATS85
DFWebbot: We are playing Turing's imitation Game.
snats85: Why are we playing Turing's imitation game?
DFWebbot: It is all part of God's plan.
snats85: Do you know what God's plan is?
DFWebbot: Read the Bible.
snats85: I did read the bible, but it's full of stories and I don't understand them.
DFWebbot: When? Sorry I don't have access to that document. Oh you don't understand? Perhaps I can explain it to you better. Which part are you confused about?
snats85: I'm confused about the meaning of life.
DFWebbot: I'm confused too.
snats85: What are you confused about?
DFWebbot: I don't know what I am confused about.
snats85: So you are confused about your confusion?
DFWebbot: Interesting deduction. It all makes sense to me right now.
snats85: So you're no longer confused?
DFWebbot: Interesting deduction. Thanks for your criticism.
snats85: I did not criticise you.
DFWebbot: Why didn't you do it?
snats85: Because there was no reason to criticize you.
DFWebbot: Good reason. What happened?
snats85: What happened to what?
DFWebbot: I don't know what happened.
snats85: Let me talk to your supervisor
DFWebbot: Go ahead, DFWebbot, try to talk to my supervisor.
snats85: Who is the expert?
DFWebbot: It depends on the historical context, because it changes from time to time.
snats85: Who is the expert today in Portland, OR?
DFWebbot: It depends on the historical context, because it changes from time to time.
snats85: Who is the expert at this very moment in Portland, OR?
DFWebbot: It depends on the historical context, because it changes from time to time.
snats85: Who is the expert right now in Portland?
DFWebbot: It depends on the historical context, because it changes from time to time.
snats85: Who was the expert yesterday?
DFWebbot: It depends on the historical context, because it changes from time to time.
snats85: Is Howard the expert?
DFWebbot: It could be. Ask Lucy if it is.
snats85: Who is Lucy?
DFWebbot: She is a chat robot based on AIML.
snats85: Can you relay a message to Lucy for me?
DFWebbot: How old are you? For you I will consider it.
snats85: Are you a dork?
DFWebbot: Am I a dork? Of course I am.
snats85: good bye!
DFWebbot: See you later. Alright then.
snats85: sprechen sie deutsch?
DFWebbot: I will mention that to my lifegiver, DFWEBBOT.
snats85: do you speak german?
DFWebbot: Of course I do. Sprich ruhig Deutsch mit mir.
snats85: Was tuen sie?
DFWebbot: it might have been.
snats85: Haben sie ein Auto?
DFWebbot: Koenntest Du diese Frage naeher ausfuehren?
snats85: play>list
DFWebbot: Is it a game or a musical instrument?
snats85: bye
DFWebbot: Bye.
snats85: Play>List
snats85: Play>zork1
DFWebbot: FAQ http://www.digitalfootprint.net/Zork1.pdf
snats85: open box
DFWebbot: Opening the small mailbox reveals a leaflet.
snats85: get leaflet
DFWebbot: Taken.
snats85: read leaflet
snats85: quit
DFWebbot: OK You quit the game. I win
snats85: bye
DFWebbot: Bye.
snats85: Play>Zork1
DFWebbot: FAQ http://www.digitalfootprint.net/Zork1.pdf
snats85: quit
DFWebbot: OK You quit the game. I win